Triton Engineering Services Limited is committed to the protection of its employees from injury or occupational disease. An effective health and safety management system is one that supports preventative and responsive attitudes and behaviours at all levels of the Company. Health and safety is a shared responsibility.
To fulfill this commitment, the Company will:
- Make every effort to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment
- Comply with legal requirements and follow acceptable working practices
- Encourage all supervisors, managers and employees to work towards the objective of reducing risk of injury
- Provide and update Occupational Health and Safety Procedures for all Staff
Supervisors are accountable to advise the employees under their supervision of the potential or actual danger associated with the work, and ensure that employees work in compliance with the established procedures.
Employees will receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.
Every employee must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with the Company policies and procedures.
I trust that we will all join in making a personal commitment to loss prevention as a way of life in our work place.