Owen Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement and Anaerobic Digester Gas System Upgrades

  • Completion of a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment to replace the existing manual screening, raw sewage pumping station and aerated grit removal
  • Recommended solution included the construction of new headworks included automated raw sewage screening complete with washing and compaction of screenings, implementation of a jockey pump/storm pump system (3 pumps total) complete with variable frequency drives in a wet well/dry well raw sewage pumping station to accommodate the wide flow variation at the facility (100 L/s to 955 L/s), grit removal and the provision of standby power.
  • Following an inspection by the Technical Standards and Safety Association, the scope of the project was increased to include a review of and upgrades to the anaerobic digester gas system including replacement of various system components and relocation of the waste gas burner.
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration
  • Secured funding from federal and provincial governments