Owen Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement and Anaerobic Digester Gas System Upgrades
Completion of a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment to replace the existing manual screening, raw sewage pumping station and aerated grit removal
Recommended solution included the construction of new headworks included automated raw sewage screening complete with washing and compaction of screenings, implementation of a jockey pump/storm pump system (3 pumps total) complete with variable frequency drives in a wet well/dry well raw sewage pumping station to accommodate the wide flow variation at the facility (100 L/s to 955 L/s), grit removal and the provision of standby power.
Following an inspection by the Technical Standards and Safety Association, the scope of the project was increased to include a review of and upgrades to the anaerobic digester gas system including replacement of various system components and relocation of the waste gas burner.
Completed final design and construction contract administration
Secured funding from federal and provincial governments