Riddell Road (Town of Orangeville)


The Town of Orangeville constructed 2.9 km of Riddell Road as part of the arterial road that forms the Orangeville Bypass. Riddell Road was designed to an arterial road standard with a rural cross-section, with a design speed of 100 km/h. Incorporated in the project were four traffic signals and a pedestrian underpass, as well as the installation of watermain and sanitary sewers.

In conjunction with this project, the County of Dufferin undertook improvements to accommodate the new intersection of this arterial road with Dufferin County Road 109, and to address existing operational problems at the adjacent County Road 109/3 intersection. The designed improvements included the construction of two intersection channelization’s and auxiliary lanes.

Triton’s Services for this project:

  • Class Environmental Assessment
  • Functional design of roadway
    • Including turning lanes and two channelized intersections
  • Detail design of roadway including drainage design and storm sewers
  • Design of four traffic signal installations
  • Design of related municipal services including watermains and sanitary sewers
  • Contract Administration of four separate contracts
  • Total Capital Cost $4.3 million