Reconstruction of Metcalfe and Geddes


The reconstruction of Metcalfe and Geddes Streets included the replacement of all underground utilities (hydro, natural gas and telephone), asphalt and gutter, sidewalks, two sets of traffic signals, new trunk watermain and decorative street lights. The local businesses were included in the design process to ensure that access was maintained and that the disruption to all businesses was kept to minimum. Numerous public meetings were held and many suggestions were incorporated into the final design. The contract for this project was specifically scheduled to contain construction activities to designated blocks to keep the disruption to a minimum. The streetscaping for this project included planting beds in the boulevards, decorative brick sidewalks, decorative street lights and pedestrian sitting areas.

Triton’s Services for this project:

  • Coordination of utilities (hydro , natural gas & telephone)
  • Obtained Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Certificate of Approval for the new trunk watermain and storm sewers
  • Obtain all approvals
  • Design of new road, parking areas, traffic signals including preparation of contract documents, specifications, tendering, contract administration and resident supervision
  • Capital Cost $2.0 million
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Reconstruction of St. Andrew Street


The reconstruction of St. Andrew Street included a new sewage pumping station, trunk sanitary sewer, underground hydro, asphalt paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and new servicing for the proposed redevelopment of the Fergus Mill property. Numerous meetings were held to coordinate the road and servicing construction with the construction of the adjacent residential development.

Triton’s Services for this project:

  • Coordination of utilities (hydro , natural gas & telephone)
  • Obtained Ministry of the Environment Certificate of Approval for the new trunk sanitary and storm sewers
  • Obtain all approvals
  • Design of new road, parking areas, including preparation of contract documents, specifications, tendering, contract administration and resident supervision
  • Capital Cost $1.8 million
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Reconstruction of Sideroad 19, Burnett Court and Victoria Crescent


The Township of Centre Wellington undertook a major municipal infrastructure project in 2010 and 2011, which involved the reconstruction of 1.5 km of local roads. The project involved upgrading the existing rural road standard in poor condition with open drainage ditches to an urban standard complete with concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks and storm sewers.  The presence of high groundwater conditions with the significant number of shallow private dug wells made it necessary in undertaking detailed hydrogeological surveys to development a detailed monitoring and mitigation plan in consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC). Extension of new municipal sanitary sewers and watermain including future individual service connections enhanced local source water protection for the existing private wells and sewage systems.

Triton’s services for this project:

  • Detailed design of roadway including drainage design and storm sewers
  • Detailed design of sanitary sewers including gravity connections for existing residential basements
  • Obtain all necessary approvals (Conservation Authority, MOECC for storm and sanitary sewers, MOECC for Permit to Take Water)
  • Preparation of contract documents, specifications, tendering, contract administration and resident supervision
  • Capital Cost $3.9 million
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Reconstruction of Elora Street (WR109)


The reconstruction of Elora Street (Downtown Commercial Area Harriston) included the replacement of trunk watermain and services, sanitary sewer repairs, asphalt, concrete sidewalk and curb, brick boulevards and decorative lighting. The local businesses were included in the design process to ensure that access was maintained and disruptions were kept to a minimum.  Numerous public meetings were held and many of these suggestions were incorporated into the final design. The project was specifically scheduled and tendered to ensure that the progress was maximized and disruptions were kept to a minimum.  Streetscaping including trees, planting beds, brick boulevards and decorative streetlighting was a major focus point of the reconstruction.

Triton’s services for this project:

  • Detailed design of roadway, storm sewers, and watermain
  • Obtain all necessary approvals
  • Topographic Surveying
  • Preliminary consultation and coordination with all Utilities
  • Pre-consultation including Public Meetings
  • Preparation of Design and Contract Plan and Profile Drawings
  • Preparation of contract documents, specifications, tendering, contract administration and resident supervision
  • Ongoing Consultation during construction of the Development
  • Capital Cost $2.2 million
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Beatty Dam Removal, Fergus


The Beatty Dam was a timber dam located on the Grand River in the core of the Town of Fergus. The structure was an old timber dam that was in serious disrepair and the Township of Centre Wellington required a review to determine if the structure should be rehabilitated or removed.  This project involved complicated, controversial issues with conflicting interests with various approval agencies and interest groups.

Triton’s Services for this Project:

  • Collection and evaluation of background material including original design information for the dam, environmental issues and hydraulic assessment.
  • Established primary design options and cost estimates for rehabilitation and removal options.
  • Provided an evaluation of each option including potential impacts both environmental and social.
  • Prepared presentations for public meetings and coordination of the project with approval agencies.
  • Acted as the Project Manager for the removal of the dam including tendering, contract administration and approvals.
  • Established and implemented monitoring program related to environmental concerns.
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Riddell Road (Town of Orangeville)


The Town of Orangeville constructed 2.9 km of Riddell Road as part of the arterial road that forms the Orangeville Bypass. Riddell Road was designed to an arterial road standard with a rural cross-section, with a design speed of 100 km/h. Incorporated in the project were four traffic signals and a pedestrian underpass, as well as the installation of watermain and sanitary sewers.

In conjunction with this project, the County of Dufferin undertook improvements to accommodate the new intersection of this arterial road with Dufferin County Road 109, and to address existing operational problems at the adjacent County Road 109/3 intersection. The designed improvements included the construction of two intersection channelization’s and auxiliary lanes.

Triton’s Services for this project:

  • Class Environmental Assessment
  • Functional design of roadway
    • Including turning lanes and two channelized intersections
  • Detail design of roadway including drainage design and storm sewers
  • Design of four traffic signal installations
  • Design of related municipal services including watermains and sanitary sewers
  • Contract Administration of four separate contracts
  • Total Capital Cost $4.3 million
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Highway 35 from Miners’ Bay to Minden (County of Haliburton)


The Ministry of Transportation undertook the reconstruction of 10.4 km of Highway 35 between Miners’ Bay and Minden in the County of Haliburton. The project included horizontal and vertical alignment improvements, three new passing lanes, and intersection improvements, and involved rock and swamp excavation, drainage improvements, structure replacement, and paving.

  • Total Project Management for the Ministry of Transportation
  • Detailed design and contract package preparation for roadway improvements
  • Structural design for culvert replacements
  • Preparation of property acquisition and utility relocation plans
  • Traffic Management Plan including four major staging areas to accommodate vertical re-alignments
  • Contract administration and construction inspection
  • The project had a capital cost of $15.0 million
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Parry Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant

  • Completion of a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment to convert the facility from a secondary to a tertiary treatment plant without a change in treatment capacity
  • Recommended solution included new influent works, rehabilitation of primary clarifiers, conversion of aeration system to fine bubble from mechanical aeration including the addition of a third aeration tank, rehabilitation of existing secondary clarifiers including the addition of a third clarifier, tertiary filtration, UV disinfection, conversion of anaerobic digesters to aerobic digesters and new biosolids storage facilities.
  • Project was completed in three phases to lessen the impact on the Town’s annual budget
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration
  • Secured funding from federal and provincial governments


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Owen Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement and Anaerobic Digester Gas System Upgrades

  • Completion of a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment to replace the existing manual screening, raw sewage pumping station and aerated grit removal
  • Recommended solution included the construction of new headworks included automated raw sewage screening complete with washing and compaction of screenings, implementation of a jockey pump/storm pump system (3 pumps total) complete with variable frequency drives in a wet well/dry well raw sewage pumping station to accommodate the wide flow variation at the facility (100 L/s to 955 L/s), grit removal and the provision of standby power.
  • Following an inspection by the Technical Standards and Safety Association, the scope of the project was increased to include a review of and upgrades to the anaerobic digester gas system including replacement of various system components and relocation of the waste gas burner.
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration
  • Secured funding from federal and provincial governments
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West Side Sewage Pumping Station


The City of Owen Sound undertook an upgrade program to their sewage collection and treatment systems. The first to improve system performance.  Modifications to the West Side Sewage Pumping Station represented the first phase of a program to minimize raw sewage bypass events to Owen Sound Harbour. Other projects that are scheduled included an extensive program to replace combined sewers, an Infiltration/Inflow reduction program and modifications to the Influent Works of the City’s Sewage Treatment Plant.

  • Completion of a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment for the installation of standby power at the station
  • Completed station upgrades to increase the capacity to 202 L/s from 150 L/s using a jockey pump/storm pump system (3 pumps total) complete with variable frequency drives in a wet well/dry well configuration to accommodate the wide flow variation at the facility (35 L/s to 202 L/s)
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration
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Mount Forest Wastewater Treatment Plant


The Township of Wellington North initiated a project to expand wastewater treatment in Mount Forest to accommodate growth in the service area and improve plant operations.

Triton’s Services for this Project:

  • Completed an Addendum to a previously completed Schedule C Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report (ESR) where the recommendation was changed from increasing the capacity of the existing facility by stacking treatment components to constructing a new treatment plant at a different location and converting the existing facility into the main pumping station for the community
  • A new raw sewage pumping station was constructed at the old treatment facility the existing aeration tanks and secondary clarifiers were converted to flow equalization tanks.
  • Construction of a 1.3 km long 300 mm diameter forcemain from the pumping station to the treatment plant complete with a surge vessel tank to control transient pressures
  • The new wastewater treatment plant includes automatic screening with washing and compaction of the screenings, grit removal, septic receiving station, fine bubble diffused air aeration tanks, secondary clarifiers, tertiary filtration, UV disinfection, aerobic sludge digestion and biosolids storage.
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration
  • Secured funding from federal and provincial governments
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Elora WWTP and Clyde Street Sewage Pumping Station


The Township of Centre Wellington initiated this project to evaluate options to secure additional wastewater treatment capacity at the Elora Wastewater Treatment Plant, improve effluent quality discharge from the facility to enhance the aquatic eco-system of the Grand River and improve biosolids management.

  • Completion of a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to evaluate options to increase sewage treatment capacity in the community of Elora including consultation with First Nations Communities, government approval agencies and the general public, publication of an Environmental Study Report and resolution of a Part II Order request
  • Recommended solution included continued water conservation and infiltration/inflow efforts in the long term and expansion of the treatment plant and pumping station in the short term
  • Assisted municipality in developing a 10 year capital program to address infiltration/inflow directed towards reducing incidence of by-passes to the Grand River
  • Secured revised effluent criteria for the WWTP through the completion of an Assimilative Capacity Study of the Grand River and negotiations with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
  • Completed final design and construction contract administration for both facilities where the average day flow capacity of the treatment plant was increased to 5,000 m3/day from 3,066 m3/day and the pumping station peak flow capacity was increased from 113 L/s to 173 L/s.
  • Treatment plant design included new headworks, automated aeration system to minimize energy consumption, secondary clarification (new and rehabilitation of existing facilities), tertiary filtration, UV disinfection, centrifuge sludge thickening, Lystek® biosolids stabilization, biosolids storage, standby power and BIOREM® odour control
  • Pumping station design included expansion of the wet well including a new basket screen, complete rehabilitation of the dry well including implementation of a jockey pump/storm pump system (3 pumps total) to accommodate the wide flow variation at the facility and the provision of standby power.
  • Secured funding through federal and provincial funding programs
  • Construction value = $21.4 million
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Town of Parry Sound


The Town of Parry Sound initiated a program of modifications to their existing water distribution system to improve system performance, increase on line system storage and extend water services to a neighbouring community.

Triton’s Services for this Project:

  • Modelling of existing water distribution system to reconfigure to a one zone system from present two zone system
  • Design of new water tower, booster pumping station, watermain extensions, reconfigure system operating strategy and decommission obsolete infrastructure
  • Tendering of facilities, resident supervision and contract administration of construction projects
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Hillsburgh Heights (Town of Erin)


Concentrations of lead exceeded Maximum Allowance Concentrations (MAC) under Provincial Water Regulations at a municipal well in Hillsburgh, Ontario. The Town elected to continue operation of the well and provide treatment to reduce lead concentrations to levels below MAC.

Triton’s Services for this Project:

  • Review alternative treatment technologies and recommendation to the Town of preferred treatment technology
  • Pilot Testing of alternative systems
  • Design of modifications to the pump house to incorporate selected treatment system (first application of this technology on a municipal water supply in Ontario)
  • Obtain Certificate of Approval for system modifications
  • Tendering of contract, resident supervision and contract administration
  • Commissioning of treatment system and preparation of Operating and Maintenance Manuals
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Fergus Well F4 (Township of Centre Wellington)

  • Raw water at this ground water supply well has iron concentrations above 0.7 mg/L.
  • The municipality was using sodium silicate to sequester the iron, however, coloured water complaints were occurring in parts of the distribution system where the hydraulic retention time was long enough for the iron to come out of solution.
  • Reviewed several treatment alternatives and the recommended solution was the implementation of biological iron removal using the Ferazur® filtration system which requires a tenth of the backwash water compared to greensand solutions and resulted in less discharge to the sanitary collection system.
  • This was the first installation of Ferazur® in Ontario.
  • Disinfection is accomplished through the use of chlorine gas and a baffled reservoir prior to discharge to the distribution system with high lift pumps.


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